Keppel REIT

K71U.SI : Singapore Exchange



Share Price in SGD. As of 04 Dec 16:35:24 SGT


Forward dividend yield
Current dividend yield
Historical Average Dividend Yield

Dividend Per Share

Year on Year growth



Historical Dividend Frequency

Upcoming Dividend

No upcoming dividend announced

Previous dividend

Paid on 13 Sep 2024


By SGX as of 04 Dec 2024

Dividend per share

Keppel REIT's dividend per share of $0.058 in 2023 was lower than its dividend per share of $0.0592 in 2022. According to consensus forecasts, Keppel REIT is expected to pay a dividend per share of $0.06 in 2024, higher than its actual dividend per share in 2023.

Fiscal Year Dividend Per Share Dividend Yield
2024 (Forecast) $0.06 7.0%
2023 $0.058 6.6%
2022 $0.0592 5.6%
2021 $0.0488 4.3%
2020 $0.0667 6.1%
2019 $0.0558 4.5%

Dividend payment calculator

Find out how much dividends you will potentially receive based on the number of Keppel REIT shares held

Dividend yield

Current Dividend Yield
Historical Average Dividend Yield
Sector Average Dividend Yield

Keppel REIT's current dividend yield of 7.0% is higher than its historical average of 5.7%.

Keppel REIT's current dividend yield is more than 1 standard deviation above its historical average dividend yield.

Historical Dividend Yield

+1 Standard Deviation
-1 Standard Deviation

Price Target Estimator

Calculate the estimated yield you would receive based on your target entry price or exit price of Keppel REIT.

Target Entry or Exit Price

Dividend payout history

Keppel REIT historically paid dividends semi-annually. It last paid out a dividend per share of $0.028 with an ex-dividend date of 06 Aug 2024 and payment date of 13 Sep 2024.

Ex-date Payment date Amount
2024 Total: $0.057
06/08/24 13/09/24 $0.0026
06/08/24 13/09/24 $0.0153
06/08/24 13/09/24 $0.0101
06/02/24 15/03/24 $0.0116
06/02/24 15/03/24 $0.0026
06/02/24 15/03/24 $0.0148
2023 Total: $0.0585
01/08/23 08/09/23 $0.0117
01/08/23 08/09/23 $0.0027
01/08/23 08/09/23 $0.0146
03/02/23 01/03/23 $0.0027
03/02/23 01/03/23 $0.016
03/02/23 01/03/23 $0.0108
2022 Total: $0.0585
02/08/22 29/08/22 $0.0067
02/08/22 29/08/22 $0.023
03/02/22 01/03/22 $0.0005
03/02/22 01/03/22 $0.0173
03/02/22 01/03/22 $0.011
2021 Total: $0.0587
03/08/21 27/08/21 $0.0097
03/08/21 27/08/21 $0.0103
25/02/21 31/03/21 $0.0053
25/02/21 31/03/21 $0.0041
01/02/21 01/03/21 $0.013
01/02/21 01/03/21 $0.0163
2020 Total: $0.042
27/07/20 28/08/20 $0.0074
27/07/20 28/08/20 $0.0015
27/07/20 28/08/20 $0.0051
29/04/20 29/05/20 $0.0015
29/04/20 29/05/20 $0.0045
29/04/20 29/05/20 $0.008
30/01/20 28/02/20 $0.0096
30/01/20 28/02/20 $0.0032
30/01/20 28/02/20 $0.0012
2019 Total: $0.0554
23/10/19 27/11/19 $0.0038
23/10/19 27/11/19 $0.0006
23/10/19 27/11/19 $0.0096
22/07/19 27/08/19 $0.004
22/07/19 27/08/19 $0.009
22/07/19 27/08/19 $0.0009
25/04/19 30/05/19 $0.0009
25/04/19 30/05/19 $0.0037
25/04/19 30/05/19 $0.0093
28/01/19 28/02/19 $0.0098
28/01/19 28/02/19 $0.0009
28/01/19 28/02/19 $0.0029
2018 Total: $0.0563
19/10/18 27/11/18 $0.0093
19/10/18 27/11/18 $0.0043
20/07/18 28/08/18 $0.0004
20/07/18 28/08/18 $0.0138
24/04/18 30/05/18 $0.0036
24/04/18 30/05/18 $0.0106
29/01/18 28/02/18 $0.0004
29/01/18 28/02/18 $0.0117
29/01/18 28/02/18 $0.0022
2017 Total: $0.0575
24/10/17 28/11/17 $0.0003
24/10/17 28/11/17 $0.0103
24/10/17 28/11/17 $0.0034
24/07/17 29/08/17 $0.0098
24/07/17 29/08/17 $0.0034
24/07/17 29/08/17 $0.001
25/04/17 30/05/17 $0.001
25/04/17 30/05/17 $0.0105
25/04/17 30/05/17 $0.003
31/01/17 28/02/17 $0.001
31/01/17 28/02/17 $0.01
31/01/17 28/02/17 $0.0038
2016 Total: $0.0657
24/10/16 25/11/16 $0.0009
24/10/16 25/11/16 $0.001
24/10/16 25/11/16 $0.0102
24/10/16 25/11/16 $0.0039
25/07/16 26/08/16 $0.0015
25/07/16 26/08/16 $0.0034
25/07/16 26/08/16 $0.001
25/07/16 26/08/16 $0.0102
20/04/16 27/05/16 $0.0123
20/04/16 27/05/16 $0.001
20/04/16 27/05/16 $0.0009
20/04/16 27/05/16 $0.0026
22/01/16 26/02/16 $0.0016
22/01/16 26/02/16 $0.001
22/01/16 26/02/16 $0.0115
22/01/16 26/02/16 $0.0027
2015 Total: $0.0538
23/10/15 27/11/15 $0.0019
23/10/15 27/11/15 $0.001
23/10/15 27/11/15 $0.0114
23/10/15 27/11/15 $0.0027
24/07/15 28/08/15 $0.0115
24/07/15 28/08/15 $0.0047
24/07/15 28/08/15 $0.001
17/04/15 28/05/15 $0.0111
17/04/15 28/05/15 $0.001
17/04/15 28/05/15 $0.0049
23/01/15 27/02/15 $0.0015
23/01/15 27/02/15 $0.0011
2014 Total: $0.0894
02/12/14 21/01/15 $0.001
02/12/14 21/01/15 $0.0038
02/12/14 21/01/15 $0.0077
23/10/14 28/11/14 $0.0003
23/10/14 28/11/14 $0.0002
24/09/14 12/11/14 $0.0107
24/09/14 12/11/14 $0.001
24/09/14 12/11/14 $0.0063
25/07/14 28/08/14 $0.001
25/07/14 28/08/14 $0.0068
25/07/14 28/08/14 $0.0112
21/04/14 28/05/14 $0.007
21/04/14 28/05/14 $0.001
21/04/14 28/05/14 $0.0117
24/01/14 28/02/14 $0.0041
24/01/14 28/02/14 $0.0086
24/01/14 28/02/14 $0.007

Source: SGX as of 04 Dec 2024