First REIT

AW9U.SI : Singapore Exchange



Share Price in SGD. As of 20 Dec 17:04:43 SGT


Forward dividend yield
Current dividend yield
Historical Average Dividend Yield

Dividend Per Share

Year on Year growth



Historical Dividend Frequency

Upcoming Dividend

No upcoming dividend announced

Previous dividend

Paid on 20 Dec 2024


By SGX as of 21 Dec 2024

Dividend per share

First REIT's dividend per share of $0.028 in 2023 was higher than its dividend per share of $0.0264 in 2022. According to consensus forecasts, First REIT is expected to pay a dividend per share of $0.02 in 2024, lower than its actual dividend per share in 2023.

Fiscal Year Dividend Per Share Dividend Yield
2024 (Forecast) $0.02 8.0%
2023 $0.028 11.0%
2022 $0.0264 9.5%
2021 $0.0261 9.9%
2020 $0.0415 8.0%
2019 $0.086 9.3%

Dividend payment calculator

Find out how much dividends you will potentially receive based on the number of First REIT shares held

Dividend yield

Current Dividend Yield
Historical Average Dividend Yield
Sector Average Dividend Yield

First REIT's current dividend yield of 7.8% is lower than its historical average of 9.5%.

Historical Dividend Yield

+1 Standard Deviation
-1 Standard Deviation

Price Target Estimator

Calculate the estimated yield you would receive based on your target entry price or exit price of First REIT.

Target Entry or Exit Price

Dividend payout history

First REIT historically paid dividends quarterly. It last paid out a dividend per share of $0.0058 with an ex-dividend date of 12 Nov 2024 and payment date of 20 Dec 2024.

Ex-date Payment date Amount
2024 Total: $0.024
12/11/24 20/12/24 $0.0004
12/11/24 20/12/24 $0.001
12/11/24 20/12/24 $0.0044
06/08/24 25/09/24 $0.0003
06/08/24 25/09/24 $0.0052
06/08/24 25/09/24 $0.0005
07/05/24 21/06/24 $0.0031
07/05/24 21/06/24 $0.0003
07/05/24 21/06/24 $0.0026
27/02/24 28/03/24 $0.0025
27/02/24 28/03/24 $0.0034
27/02/24 28/03/24 $0.0003
2023 Total: $0.0284
08/11/23 22/12/23 $0.0032
08/11/23 22/12/23 $0.0032
08/11/23 22/12/23 $0.0003
08/11/23 22/12/23 $0.0027
08/08/23 25/09/23 $0.0003
08/08/23 25/09/23 $0.0034
08/08/23 25/09/23 $0.0025
09/05/23 26/06/23 $0.0032
09/05/23 26/06/23 $0.0028
09/05/23 26/06/23 $0.0002
21/02/23 30/03/23 $0.0033
21/02/23 30/03/23 $0.0003
21/02/23 30/03/23 $0.003
2022 Total: $0.0264
15/11/22 23/12/22 $0.0029
15/11/22 23/12/22 $0.0034
15/11/22 23/12/22 $0.0003
12/08/22 26/09/22 $0.0032
12/08/22 26/09/22 $0.0003
12/08/22 26/09/22 $0.0031
17/05/22 24/06/22 $0.001
17/05/22 24/06/22 $0.0052
17/05/22 24/06/22 $0.0004
18/02/22 29/03/22 $0.0014
18/02/22 29/03/22 $0.0004
18/02/22 29/03/22 $0.0048
2021 Total: $0.0279
03/11/21 17/12/21 $0.0004
03/11/21 17/12/21 $0.0004
03/11/21 17/12/21 $0.0057
12/08/21 24/09/21 $0.0004
12/08/21 24/09/21 $0.0061
17/05/21 28/06/21 $0.006
17/05/21 28/06/21 $0.0005
26/01/21 24/03/21 $0.0074
26/01/21 24/03/21 $0.001
2020 Total: $0.0546
18/11/20 23/12/20 $0.0012
18/11/20 23/12/20 $0.0014
18/11/20 23/12/20 $0.0075
06/08/20 25/09/20 $0.0002
06/08/20 25/09/20 $0.0042
13/05/20 18/06/20 $0.0077
13/05/20 18/06/20 $0.0007
13/05/20 18/06/20 $0.0102
05/02/20 13/03/20 $0.0009
05/02/20 13/03/20 $0.0091
05/02/20 13/03/20 $0.0115
2019 Total: $0.086
13/11/19 17/12/19 $0.0009
13/11/19 17/12/19 $0.0091
13/11/19 17/12/19 $0.0115
14/08/19 17/09/19 $0.009
14/08/19 17/09/19 $0.0118
14/08/19 17/09/19 $0.0007
17/04/19 30/05/19 $0.0008
17/04/19 30/05/19 $0.0117
17/04/19 30/05/19 $0.009
23/01/19 28/02/19 $0.0096
23/01/19 28/02/19 $0.0007
23/01/19 28/02/19 $0.0112
2018 Total: $0.086
30/10/18 29/11/18 $0.011
30/10/18 29/11/18 $0.0008
30/10/18 29/11/18 $0.0097
23/07/18 24/08/18 $0.0096
23/07/18 24/08/18 $0.011
23/07/18 24/08/18 $0.0009
23/04/18 25/05/18 $0.0096
23/04/18 25/05/18 $0.0112
23/04/18 25/05/18 $0.0007
23/01/18 28/02/18 $0.0112
23/01/18 28/02/18 $0.0008
23/01/18 28/02/18 $0.0095
2017 Total: $0.0855
27/10/17 29/11/17 $0.0119
27/10/17 29/11/17 $0.0006
27/10/17 29/11/17 $0.0089
21/07/17 28/08/17 $0.0117
21/07/17 28/08/17 $0.0089
21/07/17 28/08/17 $0.0008
21/04/17 26/05/17 $0.0117
21/04/17 26/05/17 $0.009
21/04/17 26/05/17 $0.0007
24/01/17 28/02/17 $0.009
24/01/17 28/02/17 $0.0116
24/01/17 28/02/17 $0.0007
2016 Total: $0.0843
25/10/16 29/11/16 $0.0008
25/10/16 29/11/16 $0.0114
25/10/16 29/11/16 $0.009
21/07/16 26/08/16 $0.0115
21/07/16 26/08/16 $0.0007
21/07/16 26/08/16 $0.0089
22/04/16 30/05/16 $0.0008
22/04/16 30/05/16 $0.0091
22/04/16 30/05/16 $0.0112
25/01/16 29/02/16 $0.0008
25/01/16 29/02/16 $0.0091
25/01/16 29/02/16 $0.011
2015 Total: $0.0825
20/10/15 27/11/15 $0.0008
20/10/15 27/11/15 $0.0109
20/10/15 27/11/15 $0.0091
24/07/15 28/08/15 $0.0109
24/07/15 28/08/15 $0.0091
24/07/15 28/08/15 $0.0007
20/04/15 29/05/15 $0.0128
20/04/15 29/05/15 $0.0008
20/04/15 29/05/15 $0.007
22/01/15 27/02/15 $0.0128
22/01/15 27/02/15 $0.0067
22/01/15 27/02/15 $0.0009
2014 Total: $0.0798
24/10/14 28/11/14 $0.0011
24/10/14 28/11/14 $0.0124
24/10/14 28/11/14 $0.0067
21/07/14 29/08/14 $0.0007
21/07/14 29/08/14 $0.0065
21/07/14 29/08/14 $0.0128
21/04/14 29/05/14 $0.0128
21/04/14 29/05/14 $0.0008
21/04/14 29/05/14 $0.0063
23/01/14 28/02/14 $0.0065
23/01/14 28/02/14 $0.0008
23/01/14 28/02/14 $0.0124

Source: SGX as of 21 Dec 2024