J91U.SI : Singapore Exchange
Share Price in SGD. As of 26 Dec 17:04:50 SGT
- Forward dividend yield
- 7.8%
- Current dividend yield
- 7.8%
- Historical Average Dividend Yield
- 7.9%
Dividend Per Share
Year on Year growth
- Historical Dividend Frequency
- Semi-Annually
Upcoming dividend
Ex-date on 07 Nov 2024
Pay-date on 08 Jan 2025- $0.00722
Previous dividend
Paid on 17 Sep 2024
- $0.01122
By SGX as of 08 Nov 2024
Dividend per share
ESR-LOGOS REIT's dividend per share of $0.02116 in 2023 was lower than its dividend per share of $0.03448 in 2022. According to consensus forecasts, ESR-LOGOS REIT is expected to pay a dividend per share of $0.02 in 2024, lower than its actual dividend per share in 2023.
Fiscal Year | Dividend Per Share | Dividend Yield |
2024 (Forecast) | $0.02 | 7.8% |
2023 | $0.02116 | 6.7% |
2022 | $0.03448 | 8.9% |
2021 | $0.02987 | 6.9% |
2020 | $0.028 | 7.2% |
2019 | $0.04011 | 7.6% |
Dividend payment calculator
Find out how much dividends you will potentially receive based on the number of ESR-LOGOS REIT shares held
Dividend yield
ESR-LOGOS REIT's current dividend yield of 7.8% is lower than its historical average of 7.9%.
Historical Dividend Yield
Price Target Estimator
Calculate the estimated yield you would receive based on your target entry price or exit price of ESR-LOGOS REIT.
Target Entry or Exit Price
Dividend payout history
ESR-LOGOS REIT historically paid dividends semi-annually. It last paid out a dividend per share of $0.01122 with an ex-dividend date of 07 Aug 2024 and payment date of 17 Sep 2024.
Ex-date | Payment date | Amount |
2024 | Total: $0.0303 | |
07/11/24 | 08/01/25 | $0.00678 |
07/11/24 | 08/01/25 | $0.00044 |
07/08/24 | 17/09/24 | $0.00972 |
07/08/24 | 17/09/24 | $0.0015 |
08/02/24 | 27/03/24 | $0.0103 |
08/02/24 | 27/03/24 | $0.00156 |
2023 | Total: $0.02918 | |
02/08/23 | 27/09/23 | $0.00161 |
02/08/23 | 27/09/23 | $0.00037 |
02/08/23 | 27/09/23 | $0.00732 |
23/02/23 | 14/04/23 | $0.00341 |
23/02/23 | 14/04/23 | $0.00019 |
23/02/23 | 14/04/23 | $0.00088 |
06/02/23 | 29/03/23 | $0.01287 |
06/02/23 | 29/03/23 | $0.00168 |
06/02/23 | 29/03/23 | $0.00085 |
2022 | Total: $0.02181 | |
03/08/22 | 27/09/22 | $0.00035 |
03/08/22 | 27/09/22 | $0.00426 |
03/08/22 | 27/09/22 | $0.00089 |
20/04/22 | 23/06/22 | $0.00006 |
20/04/22 | 23/06/22 | $0.00099 |
20/04/22 | 23/06/22 | $0.00805 |
07/02/22 | 30/03/22 | $0.00013 |
07/02/22 | 30/03/22 | $0.00004 |
07/02/22 | 30/03/22 | $0.00704 |
2021 | Total: $0.03106 | |
03/11/21 | 29/12/21 | $0.00709 |
03/11/21 | 29/12/21 | $0.00003 |
03/08/21 | 16/09/21 | $0.00344 |
14/05/21 | 17/06/21 | $0.0041 |
29/04/21 | 24/06/21 | $0.008 |
27/01/21 | 19/03/21 | $0.0084 |
2020 | Total: $0.02815 | |
06/11/20 | 30/12/20 | $0.00798 |
23/07/20 | 17/09/20 | $0.00662 |
30/04/20 | 24/06/20 | $0.005 |
31/01/20 | 09/03/20 | $0.00136 |
31/01/20 | 09/03/20 | $0.00719 |
2019 | Total: $0.03997 | |
10/10/19 | 08/11/19 | $0.00982 |
10/10/19 | 08/11/19 | $0.00163 |
30/07/19 | 30/08/19 | $0.00006 |
30/07/19 | 30/08/19 | $0.00053 |
24/06/19 | 26/07/19 | $0.00112 |
24/06/19 | 26/07/19 | $0.00833 |
03/05/19 | 10/06/19 | $0.00942 |
03/05/19 | 10/06/19 | $0.00065 |
25/01/19 | 28/02/19 | $0.00047 |
25/01/19 | 28/02/19 | $0.00794 |
2018 | Total: $0.03945 | |
04/10/18 | 26/11/18 | $0.00175 |
04/10/18 | 26/11/18 | $0.00993 |
17/08/18 | 19/09/18 | $0.00113 |
17/08/18 | 19/09/18 | $0.00888 |
26/04/18 | 31/05/18 | $0.00814 |
26/04/18 | 31/05/18 | $0.00033 |
23/01/18 | 28/02/18 | $0.00929 |
2017 | Total: $0.0392 | |
24/10/17 | 24/11/17 | $0.00964 |
19/07/17 | 31/08/17 | $0.00956 |
02/05/17 | 31/05/17 | $0.01004 |
01/02/17 | 28/02/17 | $0.00996 |
2016 | Total: $0.04316 | |
01/11/16 | 30/11/16 | $0.00987 |
28/07/16 | 31/08/16 | $0.01078 |
05/05/16 | 31/05/16 | $0.01112 |
20/01/16 | 29/02/16 | $0.01139 |
2015 | Total: $0.04906 | |
28/10/15 | 08/12/15 | $0.01204 |
29/07/15 | 08/09/15 | $0.0115 |
29/07/15 | 08/09/15 | $0.00075 |
28/04/15 | 10/06/15 | $0.01137 |
28/04/15 | 10/06/15 | $0.00088 |
22/01/15 | 27/02/15 | $0.01233 |
22/01/15 | 27/02/15 | $0.00019 |
2014 | Total: $0.05003 | |
29/10/14 | 12/12/14 | $0.01173 |
29/10/14 | 12/12/14 | $0.00077 |
31/07/14 | 10/09/14 | $0.00134 |
31/07/14 | 10/09/14 | $0.00093 |
31/07/14 | 10/09/14 | $0.01022 |
31/07/14 | 10/09/14 | $0.00002 |
23/04/14 | 04/06/14 | $0.00108 |
23/04/14 | 04/06/14 | $0.00002 |
23/04/14 | 04/06/14 | $0.01141 |
23/01/14 | 28/02/14 | $0.001 |
23/01/14 | 28/02/14 | $0.01147 |
23/01/14 | 28/02/14 | $0.00004 |
Source: SGX as of 08 Nov 2024